Working With Us
We are excited about our work and mission, and have created many ways for you to get involved!
Whether you are an undergraduate or high school student interested in getting your feet wet in research, a PhD student or postdoc looking to advance your training, or industrial players interested in collaborating to accelerate your R&D efforts, we have plenty of pathways to fulfill your goals.
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PhD & MD/PhD Programs
CIIC laboratories take PhD trainees through these programs, which review applications independently of one another.
Research Training Grants
- Biological Sciences Collegiate Division (BSCD) Summer Fellowship
- Biological Sciences Collegiate Division (BSCD) Research Honors Track
- College Research Fellows Program
- College Summer Research Fellows Fund
- Leadership Alliance Summer Research Early Identification Program
- Liew Family College Research Fellows Fund
- PME Honors Thesis
- PME NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)
- Cardiovascular Sciences Training Grant (NIH T32 #HL007381)
- Interdisciplinary Training Program in Immunology (NIH T32 #AI07090)
- Medical Scientist Training Program (MD/PhD; NIH T32 #GM07281)
- Molecular & Cellular Biology Training Program (NIH T32 #GM007183)
- Multidisciplinary Training Program in Cancer Research (NIH T32 #CA009594)
- Research Training in Digestive Health, Diseases, & Nutrition (NIH T32 #DK007074)
- Basic Medical Research Training in Oncology (NIH T32 #CA009566)
- Cardiovascular Sciences Training Grant (NIH T32 #HL007381)
- Chicago Fellows Program (UChicago BSD/Duchossois Family Institute)
- Clinical Therapeutics (NIH T32 #GM007019)
- Immunoengineering Postdoctoral Training (ImEPosT) Program (NIH T32 #AI153020)
- Integrated Clinical and Basic Endocrinology Research (NIH T32 #DK007011)
- Postdoctoral Program in Clinical Research & Medical Informatics (NIH TL1 #TR002388)
- Research Training in Digestive Health, Diseases, & Nutrition (NIH T32 #DK007074)
- Research Training in Respiratory Biology (NIH T32 #HL007605)

Postdoctoral Researchers & Faculty
While some postdoctoral associate positions are posted (see Quick Links below), it may be advisable to contact the faculty directly. A number of competitive intramural NRSA fellowships are available for research training with CIIC researchers in selected areas of research. New in 2021, the Immunoengineering Postdoctoral Training (IMEPOST) Program is an NIAID-funded institutional NRSA program that supports two-year training in the field.
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Industrial Partnerships
We accelerate clinical translation of our discoveries through a dedication to entrepreneurship and through partnering with industrial players. In addition, a corporate affiliate program provides access to top-notch STEM trainees versed in product design and entrepreneurship, and in-depth previews of the CIIC's latest scientific discoveries and transformative technological developments.