About Us
Our mission is to use engineering principles to uncover new insights on the immune system and innovate solutions addressing immunological problems in health and disease.
The CIIC unifies clinicians, immunologists, and bioengineers to create tools & technologies aimed at unmet needs in immune science and practice. Together, we are committed to original and collaborative inquiry, but also to accelerating the development of discoveries into real-world solutions.
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What We Offer
Programming, core facilities, project bridge funds, and access to specialized technicians

Our Approach
Have an immunological project that is several key experiments away from a larger grant, or from attracting the attention of investors? We can help.
Contact us with experimental details and budget, and we will put our resources and technicians to help you gather the key pieces of evidence you will need to elevate your grant proposal or value proposition to the next level.
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Unique Training Environment
Our focus on translational immunology creates a unique environment for scholarship and inquiry. From degree programs to research training, the multidisciplinary environment in and around the CIIC allows for cross-pollination of the cutting edge across traditional departmental boundaries, immersing our trainees in the best of all worlds.